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Amazon Medicina

Kambo is a traditional sacred medicine used by many of the tribes of the upper Amazon rainforest. Kambo is a very safe and legal secretion that is collected from the Phyllomedusa Bicolor (Kambo) frog. The frogs are never harmed during this process and are returned to their natural habitat. 

Kambo cleanses us of the physical toxins, negative energies, suppressed emotions, and physical issues that keep us in poor health and out of alignment with our true self. Kambo will give your entire body a deep cleansing and reset, connecting you back to your spirit and higher purpose.

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Red Eye Frog_edited.jpg

Kambô is a traditional sacred medicine used by many of the tribes of the upper Amazon rainforest. Kambo is a very safe and legal secretion that is collected from the Phyllomedusa Bicolor (giant waxy monkey tree frog). The frogs are found in Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, French Guyana, and Venezuela.

Kambô is made from an array of peptides, neuropeptides, and biopeptides that have very specific functions in the human body, including neurotransmission, pain relief, anti-inflammation, detoxification, immune system boosting, hormone balance, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, and much more.

The human body recognizes the Kambô secretion, and when it enters the body, the cells open, allowing it to enter the cells, cleansing any foreign substances from the cells without leaving any stress to the cells. This allows Kambô to deeply detox the body.

Kambô works on the physical, emotional, and energetic levels. Kambô cleanses us of the toxins, negative energies (panema), suppressed emotions, and physical issues that keep us in poor health and out of alignment with our true self. Kambô will give your entire body a reset, connect you back to your self, spirit and higher purpose.

A Kambô treatment has immediate and short-term benefits like pain relief, enhanced mood, alertness, clarity, focus, energy, an increased resistance to stress, and empowerment in one's life. Long-term Kambô strengthens the immune system, releases past traumas, reduces fatigue and improves one’s overall health.

Kambô can benefit people with depression, addictions, anxiety, PTSD, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, HIV, arthritis, diabetes, candida, herpes, high blood pressure, cancer, fertility issues, recurrent infections, to name a few.

The frog is never harmed but treated with utmost care and respect, as the tribes believe that to harm the frog will anger the animal spirits that they live so closely with. Once the secretion from the frog is carefully taken, the frogs are returned to their natural habitat.

If the frog is being properly harvested, it is only the first secretions that are taken. This is the strongest secretion, and this method leaves the frog with sufficient secretion to defend itself from predators.

We use Kambô purchased from the tribes through the IAKP; this ensures the medicine is ethically harvested.

Kambô is very safe when administered by a properly trained Practitioner. I received my training through the Kambo Sacred Heart Institute.  Our clients have peace of mind knowing we adhere to a code of practice, and we are dedicated to being the most professional, responsible and accessible practitioners in the world of Kambô.

**This website is not intended to and does not provide medical advice. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this website is for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada*

Remarkable Potent Peptides in Kambo

Kambo is a natural substance containing peptides that the human body recognizes. Peptides perform a wide range of functions in the body. Italian scientist Vittorio Erspamer of the University of Rome wrote that this secretion contains a ‘fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequaled by any other amphibian’ (1). ‘Among the several dozen peptides found in kambo, up to 7% are bio-active.’ They bind with receptor sites situated in the brain, triggering chemical reactions in the human body. So far, researchers have found nine bio- active peptides that have a potent effect on the gastrointestinal muscles, gastric and pancreatic secretions, blood circulation, and on the stimulation of the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland.

The bioactive peptides and neuropeptides present in Kambo cover a wide range of potential medical uses including:

  • depression

  • migraines

  • blood circulation problems

  • vascular insufficiency

  • organ diseases

  • skin and eyes issues

  • fertility problems

  • AID’s

  • hepatitis

  • cancer

  • Destroy viruses and bacteria

  • Heal infections

  • Treat addictions

  • Chronic pain

  • brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s


Offerings are by appointment only for private, couples, groups and multiple sessions

Singing Bowl Meditation

Private 1:1

Duration 3-4 hours

1 Session: $222

3 Sessions (trinity): $555

This is a ceremony created just for you. We work with your intentions and you will be guided through your healing with this medicine of the frog. We begin with Sanaga, and ground with Hape.

Includes a light snack and warm tea to replenish and nourish you.

The trinity sessions are for those with a health challenge, going through a major breakthrough or life transformation. I highly recommend this for anyone starting out with the medicine to get a full clearing of body, mind and spirit. 

3 sessions in 3 days

3 session in a 28 day moon cycle


Couple Holding Hands


Duration 3-4 hours

1 Session $188 each

This can be done with your partner, a friend, sibling, etc. Someone whom you trust and want to journey together with. 

For groups larger than 4 people.

Price is $175 each

please email

Image by Katerina May

Bliss Point

 Duration 2-3 hours per session


1 Session: $111


The Bliss point is for anyone who is called to Kambo medicine but is a little nervous or anxious. The Bliss point is one point on the ankle for women and shoulder for men. This allow you to feel the beautiful energy of kambo medicina in a slow, small dose. 

Book an Appointment

Please fill out your requested date along with the attached health form. I will respond within 24 hours.

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